Bushlore During National Covid-19 Shutdown

by Mar 26, 2020News

UPDATE – Bushlore during National Covid19 shutdown

Bushlore will not be present at the office in accordance with the compulsory national shutdown directive from government. This is in place until the 16 April 2020.

We will however be working remotely so you can contact us on our relevant email addresses. All offices have staff on standby in the case of urgent issues or emergencies

For new enquiries please use info@bushlore.com or clyde@bushlore.com

Contact numbers for urgent assistance or WhatsApp contact:

Sales Enquiries: +27828242700 – Clyde

Operations: +27836445228 – Rob

Additional Contact: +27836269409 – Mark

We will fully support the reasons for the shutdown in containing the spread of Coronavirus but will continue to give our customers full support and prompt service.

Stay safe